Can an ECT be a subject leader or do they have to have completed their ECT Induction first?
There is nothing to state that the ECT cannot lead a subject but there is a need to be mindful that the ECT is still in the induction phase and that responsibilities must be appropriate.
If the ECT can have support and guidance with a subject that is not a key school priority or a subject that is a core subject or has statutory aspects (e.g. PE) then this would be reasonable and would be developmental for the ECT.
Can the Induction Lead / Tutor and Mentor to the ECT be the same person?
While the DFE aim if to separate the roles of Mentor and Induction Lead/ Tutor, we understand that in some schools e.g. small schools, the same person will hold both roles.
This is perfectly acceptable.
If you wish to discuss this please contact your Appropriate Body Quality Assurance Officer.
How do the roles and responsibilities work if my school has a large number of ECTs?
In large schools there may be a need to distribute responsibilities relating to Statutory Accreditation so there may be a number of Induction Tutors (usually SLT) who work directly with ECTs and mentors.
The Induction Lead oversees the process, is the first point of QA and is responsible for liaising with the Appropriate Body.
Schools may devise a system that works in their context but must be mindful that:
o Mentors are not expected to fulfil aspects of the Induction Tutor role e.g. writing assessment reports unless they are given sufficient time and guidance to do so.
o There is a way of ensuring consistency within their school so that all ECTs have an equitable experience.
An example is:
Induction Lead
Induction Tutor responsible for Mentors x 2
Mentor responsible for ECT x1
Mentor responsible for ECT x1
Induction Tutor responsible for Mentors x 3
Mentor responsible for ECT x1
Mentor responsible for ECT x1
Mentor responsible for ECT x1
Should Mentors attend ECF Based training?
Mentors are required to attend training, which is funded by the DfE and provided by the Lead Provider (UCL) and arranged by the Delivery Partner (South Central TSH)
This is to ensure that all ECTs benefit from high quality mentoring.
What do the ABQAOs do?
The ABQAOs will
•Have an initial meeting with each ECT (remotely) to get to know them and to understand their context, ensure statutory entitlements are in place and answer any questions.
•Be a point of contact for the ECT.
•Maintain regular contact with the Induction Lead/ Tutor to ensure understanding of, and adherence to, the induction process. This is also to ensure concerns are identified at an early stage so that appropriate support is put in place.
•Provide additional support where concerns have been identified with on-going follow up, as required.
•Read / moderate assessments (formal and informal) and track the ECT’s trajectory towards meeting the Teacher Standards.
•Carry out Quality Assurance visits to a proportion of schools
•Be an independent organisation that the Induction Lead / Tutor, Mentor or ECT can turn to for advice and guidance.
What is the role of the Appropriate Body Quality Assurance Officer (ABQAO)?
Formerly known as AB Tutors, the ABQAOs will provide
•Light touch support and guidance for the ECT
•Support and guidance for the Induction Lead / Tutor and Mentor
•Quality assure and moderate formal and informal assessments
•Ensure statutory entitlements are in place
What is the role of the ECT's Mentor?
The mentor’s role is to support the ECT’s professional development in line with the ECF based training programme
What is the role of the Induction Lead / Tutor for the Statutory Induction and Accreditation of the ECT?
They should:
· Ensure a range of monitoring/evidence gathering activities (alongside the mentor)
· Arrange regular formal observations and feedback (good practice is half termly)
· Oversee the progress and development of the ECT – being alert to any concerns and communicating them to the Headteacher and Appropriate Body
· Complete and communicate informal & formal assessment reports to the Appropriate Body